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The International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) was founded by Vimala McClure, and was the first such global organisation.  Although infant massage has existed for centuries in many countries around the world, Vimala was the first person to put together a professional programme.  Its theory, curriculum and focus are unique, and have been carefully developed and refined through research and practical experience since its introduction in 1976.  The first IAIM instructor was trained by Vimala in 1978.  In 1992, the IAIM became a truly internationally established organisation with affiliated chapters globally; a growth which continues today.

Communicate love to your baby through nurturing touch,
and learn a skill that you can use for life with your growing child


As the IAIM's CIMI Support Co-Ordinator, and Regional Rep for Northern Ireland, Nikki takes great pleasure in spreading the word about the many benefits of positive touch and infant massage, as well as highlighting IAIM's ethos of 'Touch Matters', and playing an important role in re-introducing a skill that was once handed down through families.  As a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), my role is to facilitate and help enhance the loving relationship between infant and parents.  Infant massage is an ideal medium, because it naturally encompasses all of the elements of the bonding process.  Each course includes a demonstration of massage strokes for the entire body, including some gentle movements, and specific relief combinations, and can help to:


Strengthen the bond between parent and baby


Boost self-esteem and confidence in parenting


Enhance parent/baby communication


Promote relaxation and deeper sleep


Reduce crying


Aid baby’s digestion, and relieve constipation, wind and colic


Develop understanding of baby's development 


I offer a range of different course types to suit everyone's needs.  In addition to my weekly group classes, it is also possible to arrange one-to-one sessions, or group sessions with your friends and their babies, all in your own home.  So, if you have a baby under the age of 12 months, and would like to learn a skill that you can use for life with your growing child, then these are the classes for you.


For schedule details, click the 'Bookings' link below, or check out our Facebook page for up-to-date news.  Class sizes are restricted, so early booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.




Precious Babies - Infant Massage

(birth to 12 months)

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