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Infant Massage
(birth to 12 months)


Communicate love to your baby through nurturing touch, and learn a skill that you can use for life with your growing child.

Baby Yoga
(3 to 12 months)


As your baby grows, develop a happy, care-free and lively

interaction by offering quality physical stimulation.

Toddler Movement
(1 to 3 years)


Have fun together while you support your toddler's development, and improve their muscle strength and tone, co-ordination, and balance.

Kids' Yoga 

(4 to 14 years)


Help build your child's confidence, stamina, self-awareness and focus, promote physical strength, and reduce stress, whilst encouraging health, happiness and resilience.

Courses & Classes

Do you know someone who is pregnant, or who has just had a baby? 


Are you searching for that perfect gift?


Why not treat them to an Infant Massage or Baby Yoga course?


For information about Gift Vouchers please contact us

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